Gemstone Hearts - Amethyst - 50% OFF While Stocks Last

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**50% OFF - While Stocks Last**

Everyone knows that Hearts are the 'Timeless Symbol of Love'. Share this love to your Customers with these endearing Gemstone Hearts?

Selling Points:

* Amethyst is one of the most sought-after, powerful and effective healing crystals.

* Ideal as beautiful gifts.

* Perfect for Crystal Healers and Therapists.

* Can be used in 'Gridding' to enhance the energies

* Gorgeous addition for any gemstone/crystal collectors.

* If your Customer is getting married - make the suggestion to add these as table decorations! Just stunning!

* Plus, Gemstone Hearts are simply gorgeous - they sell themselves.

Each Sold Separately. No Further Discounts.

Please note: all Sizes are 'approximate'.